In tough economic times neighborhoods tend to become less tidy. People are stressed and forget to clean up after themselves. Sanitation workers are laid off. As people leave neighborhoods there are unattended houses that collect rubbish. Luckily this is a problem that you can help solve.
When you are on your walks for exercise, carry a little rubbish bag with you. I am not saying that you should pick up every piece of trash that you come across. No, I am just saying that if you stop for a rest, why not pick up a piece of trash. If other people see you doing it they are more likely to do it themselves.
Here are some general guidlines for part time trash pick up.
- We think of trash as dirty. However if the item is dry, and exposed to the sun, it almost sure to have less virusses or bacteria than anything in your house.
- If you have to chose between a aluminum can and a piece of paper trash, pick up the paper trash. Someone will be by shortly to pick up anything that can be sold to a recycler for money (of course disregard this if you are that person).
- During hard times governments can't do many things but they can make life harder on groups that other people don't like (e. g. skateboarders). Be extra vigliant in cleaning up trash that would be associated with any group or catagory to which you belong. This may reduce a lot of unpleasantness down the line.
- The best way to spread this behavior is by engaging in it. If other people see you doing it they will think about doing it themselves. Try to resist the urge to crow about your small efforts. This will simply reduce participation.
- Remember don't trespas on to others property. Don't clean anyone elses property, such as car or driveway. If this kind of cleaning is needed contact your local government. If the person is someone you know and is unable to maintain the property themselves, get specific permision before doing anything to their property.
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